This is a simple 2 transistor simple water level detector sensor project and circuit diagram for school and colleges.As it is using only a few parts,within 10 minutes we can build such a one.One of the main advantage of such circuit is that we can save water and electricity.Also the circuit works in DC not AC there is no worring of getting shock or malfunctioning from the circuit.Another main advantage is that the power consumption of this circuit is very low sothat it can work for months without any problem.
Here in the circuit we start from the sensor as the sensor which detects the presence of water we use a small 2 pin connector which is attached to the base terminal of transistor T1,which is PNP transistor(BC557).A PNP transistor's output is high only when the base terminal is given a negative voltage as the name says PNP,N is base.Here in this circuit PNP transistor's base is given a positive(+VE) voltage via a 10 kilo ohms resistor and left the base with a 100 kilo ohms resistor without connecting to gnd(-VE).Whenever the base is in contact with ground output of the transistor goes high.This is the simple logic used here.
As we know water is less conductive and is of high resistance at the two probes the transistor is actually acting like an amplifier.Whenever there is a presence of water detected at probes the output of the transistor goes high and this high signal is transfered to the base of the second transistor which is a NPN type(2N2222A).As the name indicates the NPN transistor's output goes high only when its base terminal gets a positive(+VE) voltage.Here is output from BC557 is a positive input to 2N2222A.So the output of 22222A goes high,where as if there is no water detected at Bc557,BC557 goes low output of 2N2222A goes low.This is the basic logic behind water level detector project.
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